There are so many rules for T20 World Cup 2022, here is 5 New Rules Introduced in T20 World Cup 2022 by ICC. For better quality or advancement in matches, ICC has introduced new rules and also change some previous rules. To make cricket the top game in the world, ICC decided to make new rules so that new things come to cricket and interest will be developed by cricket fans. So in this T20 world cup 2022, ICC introduced many new rules.
These new rules are so much important and all these rules will be applied in this T20 World Cup 2022. All the cricket fans are so much excited for this T20 World Cup 2022 and these rules help them to take more interest in this T20 World Cup 2022.
5 New Rules Introduced in T20 World Cup 2022 by ICC:
New rules are introduced by ICC for T20 World Cup 2022 and these rules are given below:
- Nonstriker run out
- Permanent ban on the use of saliva to polish the ball
- Batsman and bowler to not leave the pitch
- Penalty for unfair movements by fielders
- Bowler throwing toward the striker’s end before delivery
The detail of these rules is listed below:
1. Nonstriker runs out:
In the early days of cricket, nonstrikers will be included in the consideration of running out. The man that hits the ball who is a striker was not considered as run out. Many cricket fans or some big players make objections regarding this. It was because they thought that this is unfair to the nonstriker. All teams don’t do objection but some teams considered it as run out and some did not.
So this was known as Mankading in the early days. Now this name is not used and this will be considered as a simple run out and it is now legal. ICC announced that nonstrikers will also be run out and this is legal. This new rule is introduced by ICC that will be followed in this T20 world cup 2022.
2. Permanent ban on the use of saliva to polish the ball:
During the period of Covid 19, the use of saliva to polish the ball by bowlers was banned. This was because it is assumed that this will spread Covid 19 more among players. So this activity was banned for two years. But this activity by bowlers should be banned by the cricket Council. This is because it will result in the spreading of diseases and an unhygienic environment. Hence, new amendments are made. So in this T20 world cup 2022, the players are not allowed to put saliva on the ball to polish it to save them from various diseases.
3. Batsman and bowler to not leave the pitch:
The place assigned by ICC for the players is enough for batsmen to make any type of shot. If the batsman moves forward for any shot and crosses that line that is assigned to him by ICC, then this ball will be considered a dead ball. Also, the shot made by the batsman will not be considered. This new rule is introduced by ICC for T20 World Cup 2022 and in this T20 world cup 2022, the same rule will be applied and no batsman is allowed to move forward to the line that is the ending line for the batsman otherwise that ball will be a dead ball.
The next rule which is also very impressive and good is as same as a batsman. A particular place is assigned for the bowler to the ball and this place is enough for any bowler to bowl. But the bowlers who cross the ending line and move forward from that line and ball, then ball will be considered as no ball. Free hits will be given to the batsman because of the carelessness of the bowler. In this free hit, if the batsman makes any shot and out then this out will not consider.
4. Penalty For Unfair Movements By Fielders:
This rule by ICC is only for fielders who do inappropriate things during the match. The fielders distract the batsman when they are batting and they think that their strategy will work. They also think that these things make them win the match then this is wrong because ICC introduced a new rule. In this rule, the fielders who do things that distract the batsman while the bowler is ready to ball then that ball will be considered a Dead ball, and 5 runs will be given to the opponent team. This rule is good for batsmen and bad for the fielders who do these creepy things. So in this T20 world cup 2022, this new rule will also be applied.
5. Bowler throwing towards striker’s end before delivery:
In this rule, when the bowler starts running and the nonstriker goes out from the crease then in the early days of cricket it was allowed that the bowler will run out of the striker. It is because he is out from the crease. But now a new rule has been invented and in this rule, this ball will be considered a dead ball. Also, the bowler is now allowed to run out the non-striker during running to do a ball.